What are herbs?
Traditionally Chinese herbal medicine uses substances derived from plant, mineral, and animal products. The vast majority of herbs is plant-derived and can include leaves, stems and roots. Examples of "herbs" of mineral or animal origin include oyster shells and deer antlers.
The Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine (RCHM) enforces a strict policy prohibiting the use by its members of any type of endangered species, and requiring all prescriptions to use exclusively plant ingredients.
What can Chinese Herbal Medicine treat?
Chinese herbal medicine is primarily aimed at redressing internal imbalances and encouraging the body's self-healing abilities, rather than treating the symptoms alone. It can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:
Skin diseases
High cholesterol levels
Digestive disorders
High blood pressure
Menstrual and gynaecological problems
Depression and other emotional problems
Chronic fatigue
As part of the same system of medicine, Chinese herbal medicine is a natural complement to acupuncture treatment. It can be used either as an alternative to Western medicine or to support Western treatment.