Chinese herbal medicine, along with acupuncture, and Chinese massage and exercise, is one of the components of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a complete system of medicine with a recorded history of over 2000 years.
Traditional Chinese Medicine fundamentally differs from Western medicine in its understanding of the human body and its approach to diagnosing and treating illnesses. Western medicine takes a mechanistic view of the body in which different organs are viewed as each performing an individual and self-contained function, much like the separate components within a machine, and consequently its treatments target individual symptoms largely in isolation. By contrast, Traditional Chinese Medicine views the body as an integrated system, and diseases as manifestations of imbalances within that system. Therefore Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments aim primarily at restoring and maintaining balance and harmony within the body.
What are herbs?
What can Chinese Herbal Medicine treat? As part of the same system of medicine, Chinese herbal medicine is a natural complement to acupuncture treatment. It can be used either as an alternative to Western medicine or to support Western treatment. |
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